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Did you Know??? Fun Facts!

The borough of Brooklyn, NY, is the second most densely populated county in the United States, with 66 unique neighborhoods and 2,621,793 residents to Manhattan's 1,636,268, making Brooklyn the fourth largest in the U.S. ~ hosting more “welcome” and “leaving” road signs/slogans than any other city!

1. Welcome to Brooklyn: Name It … We Got It!

2. Welcome to Brooklyn: How Sweet It Is!

3. Welcome to Brooklyn: Where New York City Begins!

4. Welcome to Brooklyn: Like No Other Place In The World!

5. Welcome to Brooklyn: Not Just A Borough, An Experience!

6. Welcome to Brooklyn: Believe The Hype!

7. Welcome to Brooklyn: The Heart of America!

8. Welcome to Brooklyn: Home To Everyone From Everywhere!

9. Leaving Brooklyn: Fuhgeddaboudit!

10. Leaving Brooklyn: Oy Vey!